My Services

two people sitting on a sand beach with waves coming in and a surfboard on the sand next to them.

If what you need right now is someone experienced to  tell you whether your novel, plot outline or nonfiction proposal is on the right track, a mini-mentorship might be a good choice for you. 

When you’re ready to commit to a longer period of working with me, a three-month mentorship can move your work ever closer to publication.

A manuscript assessment is unbiased feedback from someone other than your mother/partner/kids/best friend/students/guy sitting next to you at the cafe while you write. It involves a close reading of the manuscript as well as an objective analysis of the book’s strengths and weaknesses.

I work one-on-one with new or seasoned writers to create books that will engage publishers, agents and readers. 

Hands-on editing work usually begins when a manuscript is complete. I edit fiction and non-fiction for readers of all ages. 

Sarah N. Harvey

Editor, book coach, and writer.

Helping writers polish their work - word by word, sentence by sentence - since 2005.